Hailed as Punk's newest daughter...

BEX is a punk rocker who believes DIY is the solution.

Crafting bass heavy songs, BEX sings about her experiences in the world as a women, emphasising the ongoing inequality in the world.

BEX sings, screams and engages the crowd with her uncomfortable yet extremely eye catching stage presence, dancing, laughing, jumping and kicking. Her fans are her purpose and together they create a new world of safety and enjoyment, even if it’s just for one night.

You can witness in the flesh at her debut headline show at London’s Omeara on 1st November, as well as supporting WARGASM in Stoke later in November. Her fans are her purpose and together they create a new world of safety and enjoyment, even if it’s just for one night. BEX has been tearing up stages left and right throughout 2024, including incendiary festival sets at the likes of 2000trees, The Great Escape, Download and Burn It Down. You can evem find BEX in the latest Autumn 2024 Kerrang! issue here:

“BEX is unfiltered and a reminder of what more up and coming artists need to be like as they begin their way through the musical ranks.”

‘‘BEX re-energises the crowd at the Neu stage with a rip-roaring set.”

"A punk rock musician with a fiery sense of stage persona engulfs the audience with her ‘no BS’ attitude.”